Soprano Ukulele VS Concert Ukulele: Which is Best?

This is a comparison of soprano ukulele vs concert ukulele which will help you to choose the one best sited to you. So, if you are going to purchase a ukulele then you should read this blog post first.

Choosing Between Soprano Ukulele and Concert Ukulele is not hard. Both types of ukuleles have their own advantages and disadvantages.

The concert ukulele is a bit larger in size which allows it to produce a warmer tone with more mid-range. Whereas, the soprano ukulele is smaller in size which makes it more suitable to carry compared to concert ukuleles. The smaller size allows it to produce a mild tone.

So, if you want a bright mid-range tone then you should choose a concert-size ukulele, and if you like a mild tone along with easy carrying then a soprano-type ukulele is more suitable for you.

Let’s discuss them all in detail.

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Soprano Ukulele VS Concert Ukulele: Which is Best for Beginners?

Types of Ukulele

There are 4 types of ukuleles in trend.

  1. Soprano
  2. Concert
  3. Baritone
  4. And, Tenor

But, the most common types are Soprano and Concert ukuleles. The main difference between both is the size.

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Concert ukulele is a bit larger in size compared to the Soprano ukulele. This makes it produce a warmer and mid-range tone. Also, the concert ukulele gives a fuller sound.

Whereas, Soprano ukulele is smaller in size which gives it a unique mild tone popular among ukulele players.

Due to the small size and mild tone soprano ukulele is good to go for beginners. Even, I have started my ukulele journey with a soprano ukulele.

Note: If you are a guitar player then you will face struggling to play the soprano ukulele due to the smaller fretboard and less gap between the strings. However, you will become familiar with time.

What is Soprano Ukulele?


Soprano ukulele is the most common and original size of ukulele.

It is the second smallest ukulele size and it’s quite popular among ukulele players around the world.

The first ever ukulele invented in Hawaii was actually Soprano-type ukulele. And all other types of ukuleles are transformed from this ukulele type.

So, soprano ukulele is the oldest ukulele type and that’s why it gained huge popularity among ukulele players.

It is 21 inches long which makes it an easy-to-carry instrument.

What is Concert Ukulele?

what is concert ukulele

Concert ukulele is another popular ukulele type among ukulele players. From smaller to larger size, it’s in the second position in the ukulele family.

It’s 23 inches long and easy to carry instrument.

If you have larger hands then this is suitable for you, because you will get a larger fretboard and more distance between the strings.

Concert ukulele produces warm and mid-range tone. If you like that tone then this is the perfect type of ukulele for you.

The origin of concert ukulele is also in Hawaii.

Should You Get Concert Ukulele If You Play Guitar?

Should You Get Concert Ukulele If You Play Guitar

Yes, if you are already a guitar player then concert ukulele is best suited to you.

The bigger fretboard size along with a few more spaces between the strings make it easier for a guitar player to strum and seamless chord progression.

As guitar is a big instrument the fretboard size is definitely bigger and shifting from guitar to ukulele makes it quite hard for you if you directly choose the soprano ukulele.

With concert ukulele, at least you get some more space to play with which I think is better for a guitar player.

So, if you are a guitar player then start with concert or baritone ukulele and then shift to soprano type of ukulele.

Is Concert Ukulele Hard to Learn?

Both concert and soprano ukulele have same tuning ie; G-C-E-A or ‘C Tuning’. So, both take almost the same time duration to learn.

However, concert ukulele has some edge on fingerpicking and fretting due to its bigger size compared to soprano ukulele.

So, I think a concert ukulele is best for beginners.

Although, I have soprano ukulele and I feel better playing this.

If we talk about learning, if it is hard or not, it all depends on you. If you practice on a daily basis, follow the instructions given by the instructor, and keep your interest on it, you will learn it quite fast.

But, if you get bored and don’t practice daily then nothing to do.

What Is the Most Popular Size Ukulele?

What Is the Most Popular Size Ukulele

The most popular size of ukulele is Soprano ukulele. There are some reasons behind the popularity of this ukulele type.

Such as,

  • It is the smallest in size. The only 21 inches size makes it more portable than other ukulele types.
  • The mild tone it delivers is another reason why it’s quite popular among the solo players.
  • But the biggest reason is its age. It is the oldest ukulele type that originated in Hawaii. That’s why it took more time to get popular among ukulele enthusiasts and players.


Well, here were some of the differences between soprano and concert ukulele types.

I hope, you have understood which one is better for you as a beginner.

Personally, soprano ukulele is my favorite one like others. Let me know in the comments which one you like the most.

Gautam Roy is a recording engineer and a blogger from India. He loves listening music, playing Guitar and Ukulele, writing, and travelling. He is also an active investor and a successful entrepreneur.

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