Is Ukulele Easier Than Piano?

Often people ask me if Ukulele is easier to learn than the Piano. They compare both instruments, however, it all depends on a few factors, such as your musical background, physical ability, and learning style.

For me, ukulele is easier to learn the piano. Because of its smaller size, simpler chord structure, and fewer strings to manage you find it easier than a piano.

On top of that, ukulele is a more portable and affordable instrument. That’s why it is beginner friendly instrument.

Whereas a piano is a highly versatile instrument. In this instrument, you have to manage a wide range of notes and dynamics. At first impression, you find the Piano easier due to its keyboard-based structure, but it is really hard to master the piano as compared to a ukulele.

Piano is also very costly that a beginner can’t afford, however, you can get electric piano or keyboard which costs far less than classical pianos.

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Should You Learn Piano or Ukulele First?

If you are a complete beginner then I would suggest you learn ukulele first. Once you have the basic knowledge of music theory and chords you can shift your skills to the piano.

But if you are an existing musical instrument player (any instrument) then your choice depends on your personal goals, interests, and learning style.

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Is Ukulele Easier Than Piano

Let me show you some factors to consider when making your decision.

  • Your musical goals: If you want to learn complex music such as blues then the piano may be a better choice for you. If you love light enjoyable and traditional country music then ukulele is a perfect fit for you.
  • Your physical abilities: Now come to your physical abilities. If you have small hands or limited mobility in your fingers or wrists, like children, then the ukulele will be easier to play due to its smaller neck. Piano requires more finger strength which is not ideal for children.
  • Learning style: Do you enjoy sheet music?If yes then piano is better for you. Sheet music is widely used on piano. If you love to learn by your ears then ukulele is great. It would be easier to pick up the chord progressions and strumming patterns on ukulele by just listening.
  • Professional resources: Piano needs experienced teachers, practice space, and instruments. So, if you have these resources in your area then go for it otherwise, you can go for the ukulele which does not requires these type of resources. However, you can hire a teacher if you want but it’s optional. Youtube videos and blogs like is sufficient to learn ukulele.

Why Ukulele is Easier Than Piano?

There are several factors that make ukulele easier to learn then compared to piano.

Why Ukulele is Easier Than Piano

Such as,

  • Size: Ukulele is a smaller and lighter instrument the piano. This makes it easier to hold and play. You don’t need much practice to stretch your fingers and hand movements to play chords and notes on ukulele. Ukulele’s neck is small and people with any size of fingers can adjust with this instrument.
  • Chord structure: standard tuning of ukulele is G-C-E-A, which helps you to play most chords with just one or two fingers. It is easier for beginners to get started with ukulele compared to the piano. In piano, you need to learn to play complex chords and notes.
  • Ukulele is portable: Ukulele is very portable. You can take it wherever you go. You can practice and play ukulele on the go. That means you can give yourself more time to learn ukulele.
  • Affordable: Ukulele is a very affordable instrument. Even a basic soprano ukulele comes from $100 on Amazon. So, anybody can afford it. Whereas, piano is very expensive. However, you can go for cheap electric pianos for practice but it is also more costly than ukulele.

The factors I have mentioned above play a big role in this. That’s why ukulele is easier to learn than piano.

Are Ukulele and Piano Chords the Same?

Ukulele and piano chords are not same. However, their chords overlap each other.

Well, according to music theory, chords are same in all instruments but the structure of chords is different in all instruments.

This difference is due to the differences in tuning and layout of the instruments.

So, piano and ukulele have different chord structures.

The standard tuning of ukulele is G-C-E-A. That means the strings are tuned to those notes from the bottom string to the top one.

When you learn ukulele you can see that chords on a ukulele are often played with only a few fingers. Ukulele has a simple chord structure. Such as the ‘C’ chord on the ukulele needs only one finger on the 3rd fret on the bottom string and other strings open.

A piano is just opposite to ukulele. It has a larger range of notes which are laid out in a linear direction through ‘KEYS’. You have to play the chords by pressing multiple keys at once. This is really a complex chord structure.

Ukulele VS Piano

Ukulele and piano are two very different instruments. Each one has its strengths and characteristics.

Let me show you the strengths and characteristics of both instruments.

First off,

Ukulele Characteristics

  • Ukulele is a small and portable instrument.
  • It is often associated with Hawaiian music as it is invented in Hawaii by two migrant Portuguese.
  • Ukulele has typically 4 nylon strings which are tuned to G-C-E-A, a higher pitch than guitar.
  • Ukulele is easier to learn than the piano due to its smaller size, and simple chord structure. It has only 4 strings to manage.
  • Ukulele is mostly used in folk, pop, and country music genres.
  • It is a great instrument for beginners to start with. It’s portability and affordable price makes it one of the popular instrument to learn on.

Piano Characteristics

  • Piano is a large, and serious musical instrument. It has a wide range of notes and dynamics.
  • It is mostly used in classical, jazz, and pop music genres.
  • Pinao has typically 88 keys which are used to play with a range of techniques and styles.
  • Piano is more challenging to learn than the ukulele. Its larger size, and complex chord structure make it difficult to learn.
  • Piano is a great instrument for one who want to explore music theory concepts, develop his finger dexterity and technique over a versatile instrument, and ultimately create complex compositions.


Choosing between ukulele and piano depends on your musical interests, goals, and learning style.

Both instruments have unique strengths and characteristics. Both of them have thier own advantages and disadvantages.

But, if you are a beginner, I always suggest you start with ukulele and once you have the knowledge of music theory and get familiar with ukulele, you can shift to piano.

This way you will take less time to learn piano as you already have the basic knowledge of music through your ukulele-playing skills.

That’s it.

Let me know in the comments which one you think is easier to learn.


Gautam Roy is a recording engineer and a blogger from India. He loves listening music, playing Guitar and Ukulele, writing, and travelling. He is also an active investor and a successful entrepreneur.

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